Osteochondrosis of the throat - symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (CS) is one of the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Every year, doctors diagnose this disease more and more often, and it develops more and more seriously. According to statistics, in women, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the upper spine occur more often, especially for patients in the postmenopausal period. The main symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women are pain, limited mobility, insufficient cerebral circulation and this is dangerous not only for health but also for life. To protect yourself from the dangerous consequences of pathology, you must begin to treat it in the early stages. It is important to do complex therapy, change your lifestyle, in order to stop the destruction of the vertebral parts and to prevent serious complications.

Development of diseases

The cervical spine is the most vulnerable to various injuries and degenerative changes. This is because this section is the most mobile, and the muscles are weak here. The small cervical vertebrae withstand daily intense stress, which leads to the gradual destruction of the intervertebral discs. The vertebrae press against each other, which is why the cartilaginous discs between them lose a lot of fluid, begin to degrade and deform.

In addition, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops due to inadequate nutrition of cartilage tissue. And the spinal canal in this area is narrow, so it often stings, which causes neurological symptoms.

The pathology in women in the early stages is manifested by gravity on the back of the head, tingling in the hands and so on. Patients often confuse the first signs of the disease with overwork.

A large number of blood vessels and nerve roots are located in the neck area and when compressed, neurological disorders can also occur. It is especially dangerous if a deformed disc or vertebrae compress the vertebral artery, which supplies important parts of the brain. When compressed, the coordination of movements is disturbed, a woman may lose her balance, her eyesight and hearing may deteriorate and the risk of stroke increases.

Report. According to statistics, most often osteochondrosis of the cervix is found in patients aged 25-40 years. This is due to the massive reduction in physical activity, sedentary work. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with the disease than men, as they have more fragile vertebrae and thin bone tissue.

Doctors distinguish 4 stages of osteochondrosis STORE:

  • Stage 1 - the intervertebral disc loses some moisture, its height decreases, cracks may appear in the fibrous ring (outer shell). This is the stage of cervical cartilage, which is difficult to recognize, as it has symptoms that are not expressed. The throat gets tired quickly, there is discomfort, heaviness in the damaged area, sometimes there is a slight pain that passes quickly.
  • Stage 2 - the cracks on the surface of the disk increase, the core of the core (contents in the form of gel of the disk) is displaced, it can protrude through the damaged areas. This is how the cartilage protrudes, which can compress the spinal cord and its roots. Periodically, there is severe pain, weakness, limited mobility, numbness of the face, neck, shoulders, hands.
  • Step 3 - the protrusion penetrates the outer shell of the disc, forming a hernia. The pain becomes more intense, there are neurological disorders.
  • Stage 4 - the disc is almost completely destroyed, the vertebrae rub against each other, lumbar growths (osteophytes) appear at their ends, which are designed to stabilize the damaged part. The nerve endings, the spinal cord, the blood vessels are weakened. Neighboring connections are starting to break down. The clinical signs are strong.

It is easier to stop the degenerative-dystrophic changes in the first two stages of SHOP osteochondrosis. In stage 3, the combination treatment will help stop further damage to the spinal cord. In the last stage, you can not do without surgery.

The reasons

SHOP osteochondrosis is a complex and long process that usually has many causes. In most cases, the pathology occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, metabolic disorders. Often, the disease occurs due to injuries or due to the natural aging of the body and the weakening of its defenses.

Doctors identify the main causes of SHOP osteochondrosis in women:

  • Discontinuation of metabolic processes.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Chronic muscle tension around the cervical region.
  • Posture curvature.
  • Deficiency of fluids and nutrients in the body.
  • Prolonged stay in an awkward position (neck extended forward and backward with grip
  • Excess weight.
  • Frequent wear of shoes with high heels.
  • Injuries in the store.
  • Lifting heavy objects.
  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Frequent stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Neck too long or too short and so on.

All of these factors cause malnutrition of the intervertebral discs and lead to their degeneration.

Osteochondrosis of the cervix can be caused by pathologies of the spinal artery associated with genetic predisposition, endometrial disorders, trauma during childbirth. The disease can occur as a result of rheumatism, endocrine disorders, excessive load on the cervix during pregnancy, local overload.

Great. The main cause of cervical osteochondrosis in women is menopause, as well as the changes associated with this period. At this stage, the concentration of progesterone, which is very important for bone tissue, decreases in the body. The possibility of degenerative changes is related to the age-related weakening of the neck muscles and the weakening of the support of the vertebrae in this area.


For osteochondrosis, a wavy course is typical when the acute period is replaced by a recession. Worsening can cause infections, injuries, hypothermia, prolonged stress on the neck.

back pain with cervical osteochondrosis

The first signs of cervical osteochondrosis in women are headaches, discomfort, heaviness in the throat. It is important to distinguish chondral pain from migraines or autonomic dysfunction in a timely manner.

Clinical manifestations of SHOP osteochondrosis in women are caused by neurological syndromes:

  • Cervical stiffness occurs when the nerve endings are irritated by fragments of damaged cartilage. Then there is a specific crisis in the throat, pain, which becomes more intense when you move your head and after sleep.
  • Musculoskeletal syndrome results from damage to the vessels and nerves of the brachial plexus and subclavian artery. This complex of symptoms is accompanied by pain from the inner surface of the shoulder to the arm on the injured side. The limb becomes pale, cool, swollen, numbness appears. The neck pain extends to the back of the head when the patient turns her head.
  • Scapular arthritis syndrome - dystrophic changes affect the fibers of the tendon that surround the shoulder. Painful sensations from the throat radiate to the shoulder and shoulder girdle. There is a forced position of the neck - it is sloping to the affected side and the shoulder is slightly lowered.
  • Spinal artery syndrome - a blood vessel is compressed by fragments of a damaged disc or osteophytes (depending on the stage of the disease). The patient is dizzy and has a headache, nausea, sometimes vomiting. The pain is located in the occiput, the crown and the temples.
  • Cardiac - the nerve bundles of the spinal cord are damaged. There is heart pain, arrhythmia. If C3 is damaged, pain appears in half of the throat, tongue swells, patient can not chew food normally. If C4 is injured, then discomfort occurs in the area of the shoulder girdle, neck, heart. With the defeat of C5, the pain reaction from the neck extends to the shoulder girdle, the inner surface of the shoulder. Irritation C6 manifests as pain from the neck and shoulder in the shoulder girdle and spreads throughout the arm to the thumb. If the C7 is damaged, the pain syndrome spreads to the back of the shoulder girdle, gripping the entire arm, including the index and middle fingers. When the C8 is compressed, the pain spreads from the affected area to the elbow and little finger.

Also, a woman's emotional sphere can be disturbed, weakness can occur, anxiety can occur, emotional Insomnia often occurs, memory and attention are impaired due to regular headaches.

Symptoms of a cerebrovascular accident occur when a woman suddenly turns her head, tilts or performs work that puts a strain on her arms and cervical spine, for example, when she digs, paints the roof and carries weights.

Violation of cerebral circulation is manifested by dizziness, unsteady gait, "flies" in front of the eyes, tinnitus, weakness, nausea. In some patients, the voice becomes hoarse, sometimes disappears, sore throat appears.

Osteochondrosis during menopause is accompanied by migraines, increased body sweating in the area between the neck and shoulder girdle. When the vertebral artery is compressed, the work of the cardiovascular system stops.

If the disease lasts for a long time, then there is a circulatory failure of important centers that perform neuro-endocrine functions. Due to the increased permeability of the vascular walls, atherosclerosis of the cerebral and cardiac arteries develops.

neck pain with osteochondrosis

Establishment of a diagnosis

If you notice symptoms of osteochondrosis, see a therapist. After a visual examination, a specialist will refer you to an orthopedist, spine specialist or neurologist.

The following methods are used to diagnose cervical osteochondrosis:

  • The x-ray allows you to find out that the patient has displaced the vertebrae, there are osteophytes at their ends, the distance between the vertebrae has been reduced. For this, the study is carried out at different levels. To analyze the characteristic changes in detail, the doctor takes pictures.
  • CT of the cervical spine provides detailed information about pathological changes in the vertebrae. This method allows you to take volumetric images for a more detailed study, used in severe diagnostic cases.
  • MRI is used to accurately assess the condition of soft tissues (nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, muscles) in the affected area.
  • Electromyography allows you to control the conduction of a nerve fiber.

Doctors may also prescribe Doppler ultrasound (Doppler ultrasound of the major arteries of the brain) to determine the state of blood flow in this area.

Conservative therapy

In the early stages, treatment of SHOP osteochondrosis in women can be done at home. However, the doctor should draw up a treatment regimen. It is important to understand that this is a long process and is unlikely to be completely cured (especially for older women).

The complex treatment includes:

  • Drug intake.
  • Use of orthopedic devices.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • Massage, manual impact.
  • Alternative cure.

Conservative techniques will help stop pain, inflammation, normalize muscle tone, improve metabolic processes, and nourish damaged parts of the spine. With timely treatment, it is possible to stop the pathological changes.

drugs for osteochondrosis of the cervix

Medications for cervical osteochondrosis will help get rid of inflammation and pain.

The treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is done in women with the use of drugs that will help to improve the metabolism of the cartilage between the vertebrae, in stopping the inflammation, in the pain. The following drugs are used for this purpose:

  • ΜΣΑΦ. It can help relieve mild to moderate inflammation and pain.
  • Analgesic. The pain is relieved.
  • Preparations to improve cerebral circulation.
  • Muscle relaxants help relieve muscle spasm.
  • Chondroprotectors. They help stop the destruction of the disc, improve metabolic processes and speed up recovery.
  • Magnesium-based medicines.
  • Nootropically. They stimulate the work of the brain by normalizing blood circulation, have a mild calming effect.

Report. With severe pain not relieved by oral medications, therapeutic blockades are used, for example, with Novocaine solution or NSAIDs.

The treatment can be supplemented with anti-inflammatory and analgesic in the form of gels, creams and ointments. They will be effective in the recession stage or in combination with oral agents.

The decision to choose drug combinations is made by the doctor. The specialist will draw up a regimen for taking medications and will also determine their dosage. It is important to follow its recommendations, as many of the above drugs threaten with dangerous complications.

During the acute stage of SHOP osteochondrosis, a woman must give up strenuous physical activity. To get rid of the cervical part, you must wear a special corset (Shants collar), which will fasten the vertebrae in the right position. This device is recommended for use during prolonged sedentary or strenuous physical work.

Physiotherapy procedures will help relieve pain and improve blood circulation to the damaged area:

  • Dynamic therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Electroanalgesia.
  • Ultraviolet radiation and so on.

The therapeutic effect is manifested after about the third session, then headache, hearing disorders, vision disorders, dizziness, sleep is normalized or disappears and the general condition improves.

With the help of underwater traction of the cervix, it is possible to extend the distance between the vertebrae, release a nerve or a blood vessel from the compression and restore the normal position of the vertebrae.

The massage will normalize the muscle tone, will reduce the flow of lymphatic fluid, which causes swelling. After several sessions, blood circulation to the damaged area improves.

neck exercise with osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercise is one of the most effective methods for the treatment of SHOP osteochondrosis. Exercise can strengthen the weak neck muscles, which will then take some of the load off the spine and help stop or slow down the degenerative-dystrophic changes. During the courses, blood circulation is improved, metabolic processes, nutrition of the discs is accelerated, which has a positive effect on their condition.

Women need to be educated every day. They consist of simple but effective exercises. The band consists of turns, tilting of the head in different directions, as well as movements of the neck, during which the hands are used. These items can be performed at home, but only with a doctor's permission. Physiotherapy exercises are performed only in the recession stage.

Combination therapy can be supplemented with reflexology (acupuncture), idiotherapy (leech therapy), swimming and so on.


The operation is prescribed in the last stages of SHOP osteochondrosis, which are accompanied by severe destruction of the osteochondral structures. Surgery is also necessary if conservative techniques are ineffective or if the spinal canal is significantly reduced.

In the cases described above, an anterior cervical discectomy is performed. During the procedure, the doctor immobilizes the damaged part of the spine and removes the hernia that compresses the spinal nerve. The vertebrae, between which the disc was removed, are then fused. If necessary, the space between the vertebrae is filled with a synthetic insert (cage).

After 3-5 days, the patient is discharged home. The recovery period is about 12 weeks. To speed up your recovery, you need to take medication, wear a corset, follow a healthy lifestyle, go to physiotherapy procedures and finally exercise treatment.

Lifestyle suggestions

To quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of osteochondrosis and stop the degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervix, you need to adjust your lifestyle. To do this, the patient must follow these recommendations:

  • Go for walks daily, avoid running, jumping and other explosive activities.
  • Heavy objects should not be carried.
  • You can not sit for a long time, in extreme cases, wear corsets and periodically take a horizontal position.
  • Perform specific physical exercises for the back muscles at home.
  • Sleep on an orthopedic mattress and a special pillow.
  • Follow a diet, supplement the diet with foods rich in magnesium, calcium (nuts, dairy products, seafood, legumes), as well as fiber, chondroitin (jelly, jelly). Discard fatty, fried, very salty foods, alcohol. The doctor will inform you in more detail about the dietary rules. In any case, it must be right.

Hypothermia should not be allowed, warming up will be beneficial if there is no inflammatory process.


In the absence of timely treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, a woman may experience the following pathological consequences:

  • The possibility of protrusion, which after a while turns into a hernia. The swelling compresses the spinal cord as well as its nerves, causing neurological damage.
  • Osteophytes appear when the disc is severely damaged, irritating the spinal nerves and blood vessels.
  • In advanced cases, severe weakness of the neck muscles or incomplete paralysis is possible, and then the head hangs involuntarily to the side or forward.
  • Compression of the vertebral arteries, reduced blood circulation to the affected area. This condition can cause neuralgia (pain along a nerve pathway), hearing and vision problems.
  • Paralysis (incomplete or complete) of the hands.
  • Brain stroke.

If a woman deals with the issue in the early stages of the ODC condition, then she will be able to prevent the above conditions.

Precautionary measures

Ideally, it is essential to be involved in preventing SHOP osteochondrosis even during the period of intrauterine growth. The expectant mother should exclude factors that negatively affect the development of the fetus: infections, oxygen starvation, poisoning. If an injury has occurred at birth, the newborn should be treated.

To reduce the chance of developing SHOP osteochondrosis, a woman should follow these recommendations:

  • Load the spine evenly, for example, transfer the load to both hands or turn right and then left.
  • Do not lift too much weight.
  • Try to avoid neck injuries, hypothermia.
  • When working on plots, take a break every 1. 5 hours, rest for 20 minutes.
  • Choose shoes with cushions on the sole that will hit the cushion while running or jumping.
  • When sitting for a long time, use a high-backed chair with a headrest or wear a corset.

It is also important to eat properly, to control weight, to avoid stress, to take vitamin preparations for medical reasons, to treat pathologies that can cause osteochondrosis in time. In the recession, it is recommended to visit the sanatoriums for treatment.

The most important

As you can see, in women, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occurs more often than in men, as the former have more fragile vertebrae and thin bone tissue. The patient's pathology is particularly sensitive in the postmenopausal period. The disease is manifested by pain, neurological disorders and dangerous symptoms of a cerebrovascular accident. It is recommended to start treatment in the early stages to avoid dangerous complications of osteochondrosis. To do this, a woman must take medication, adjust her lifestyle, attend physiotherapy procedures, massage and do physiotherapy. Surgical treatment is indicated only in advanced cases. To avoid pathology, you should observe moderate physical activity, treat injuries and diseases in a timely manner that can cause osteochondrosis.